About Us

Since 2000
Welcome to Rero NGO

Making Clean Green Globe

RERO is a Non-Governmental Organisation with the legal registration status of Society. This unit started growing by the viable seed sowed by Dr.M.S.Udhayamurthy, founder of People Power Movement on 15th May 2000 with main focus on sustainable environment and social empowerment.

Mr. Rathinasabapathy , a well known educationalist and social worker is the founder of this organization.

During the Last 23 Years RERO has been serving in Tamilnadu covering 50 blocks and 250 Villages.

You Can Help a Lot by Donating for Charity


Our Vision

CLEAN GREEN GLOBE is the long term vision of RERO. We believe that this could be achieved when

This belief has directed us towards the village to carry out the activities. Now we are serving in 50 blocks and over 250 villages in Tamilnadu to achieve this vision

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Years of Service

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Blocks in Tamil Nadu

Our Goal is to Help Poor People
Dr.M.Thillai Sivakumar MA.,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,D.Agri,
Secretary of RERO

He is an Active social worker with over 23 years of experience in Wasteland Development, Women development, Children Development, Eco farming, etc.

He is also the Secretary of Namakkal district Tree and herb growers association and Executive Committee member of Society for prevention of Cruelty Animals ( SPCA )

He is also a honorary member of Junile Justice Board – Namakkal.

He is also the MC member of Nambikai Illam – a home for orphan children which is headed by Mr.Sagayam, former district collector of Namakkal

Under the able guidance of Dr. Thillai Sivakumar, RERO has grown to be a reputed NGO in Namakkal District

Our Valuable Partners

We are thankful for the valuable support given by Various Government and Private organizations