By collaborating with DRDA, Department of Agriculture, Dept of Agri Engg., Dept of Forest, our NGO, RERO is doing community organization and training programmes and forming of village development association and watershed committees by involving the local community and leaders to carry out the watershed development works in 151 villages in four districts viz. Namakkal, Salem, Dharmapuri and Perambalur of Tamil Nadu. RERO has been contributing to watershed development in these areas as a NGO partner in integrated watershed programme (IWDP), and Tamil Nadu comprehensive watershed programme.
Mahalir Thittam Tamilnadu women development corporation has approved RERO in 2003 to undertake the programmes to empower women through Mahalir thittam schemes in Namakkal District.
To begin with Sendamangalam and Paramathi block has been selected under Mahalir thittam scheme.We have formed trained 67 SHGs in Sendamangalam block and 58 SHGs in Paramathi block. The groups consists of widows, downtrodden, handicapped, destitutes, muslims, Scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes. We have given the following trainings.
For the development of children of Namakkal district, RERO has joined with Dept of Arts and Culture , Govt of Tamil Nadu to run Children club known as “Namakkal Jawahar Bal Bhavan” to realize the dreams of the future Pillars of our country.
Over 500 children have been given free practice in various arts and cultural activities and participated in District, state and national level competitions and won many awards.
Around 100 schools in Namakkal District have formed nature clubs called “ National Green Corps” by the initiative of Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt of Tamil Nadu.
Under INDUS project, RERO is running three schools for child labourers who could not continue the formal school education.
To create awareness about the natural farming in Namakkal District, a proigramme was initiated by Natural farming scientist Mr.Namalvar with the collaboration of RERO. In this regards, a workshop cum demonstration was organized by RERO. This was inaugurated by Mr.Namalvar. In this event 150 farmers have benefited in Sendamangalam block in Namakkal dist and another 500 farmers in Perambalur block in peramalur dist. Under this programme, preparation of Natural fertilizers, preparation of herbal insecticides, vermin compost, amirtha karaisaland panchakaviyam was demonstrated to the farmers. This has created awareness and interest among farmers to follow natural farming
Several Awareness campaigns have been conducted in Dharmapuri, Salem, Namakkal and Perambalur districts. As a NGO partner of government departments, RERO was involved in IWDP, TNCWP to mobilizing the ,obilise the community for active participation in these programmes to improve their economic activities. RERO has also facilitated to plant more than 5000 trees to create green land.
RERO, TD1, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Paramathi Road,
Tamil Nadu - 637 001.
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